The Fat Bear Week competition awards the bear that has gained the most weight between July and September. On October 5th, it announced the 2021 winner. The winner was 480 Otis, an animal close to 25 years old and chosen by the public as the one with the biggest body of the season. The event is hosted by Katmai National Park and Reserve, in Alaska, United States, where the contestants live.

For bears, gaining a lot of weight before winter is a matter of health. At the coldest time of the year, bears hibernate (that is, they sleep for long periods) to withstand low temperatures and lack of food. Therefore, it is good that they have accumulated fat, because their bodies will burn it during hibernation to ensure energy.

1) Is gaining weight before winter good for bears? Why?
a) Yes, because it helps them have energy in the winter.
b) Yes, because it is the time of year when they have the most energy for hunting.
c) No, because the healthiest thing is to gain weight before the summer.
d) No, because they do not need energy during the winter.

2) Do you know other animals that hibernate in the winter?

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