Loading electronics’ batteries without a charger could become a reality in the future. One of the initiatives to get this idea off the ground comes from scientists from the Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States. These scientists are developing a type of antenna that can capture Wi-fi signals and convert them into electric current, helping devices continue functioning without needing to recharge batteries.

The invention could be used to charge mobile phones, laptops, medical equipment, among other things. The idea is for the system to work in large open spaces, such as offices or even roads, and charge all devices on site.

The device is still in the testing phase, so there is no timeline for when the invention could be purchased by regular consumers.


While we cannot charge our devices using Wi-fi signals, it is important to take certain precautions to extend the life of mobile phone batteries. Check out these tips by Battery University, a website that
specialises on the topic:

• Try keeping the battery between 65% and 75% charged. If you cannot, try to keep it at least 45% charged.

• Do not leave the mobile phone charging for too long. It is best to charge the device several times throughout the day instead of all at once.

• Do not let the battery charge to 100%. This could compromise its lifespan.


1. How does the MIT invention work?
a. The device only accesses the Internet in places that have Wi-fi.
b. The system uses Wi-fi to move electronic objects.
c. The antenna captures Wi-fi signals and charges electronic devices.
d. The device charges mobile phones by being close to them.

2. What do you think about the system that is being developed by MIT? Explain your answer.

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