To address requests from authorities of European countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report on October 6th recommending actions to reduce fatigue. Fatigue is the feeling of tiredness that has affected many because of the new coronavirus pandemic that has already lasted over seven months.

The organization says European governments are concerned that tiredness is causing its citizens to stop practicing safety measures, such as wearing masks and distancing themselves from others. The WHO points out that, even though tiredness occurs naturally, not practicing safety protocols against Covid-19 is still not advisable, as it would lead to an increase in the number of cases.

Tips from the WHO

Check out some of the measures recommended by the WHO to the European authorities

Think Locally

• Contact groups of people (sports clubs, youth organizations, religious leaders, and others) and ask them to think of creative ways to encourage members in their community to continue protecting themselves from the virus.

 “In Every Workplace…”

• Ask office and school attendees, for example, to discuss the best way to put security protocols against Covid-19 into practice.

“Make recommended behaviours easy”

• Create actions that allow people to follow safety measures easily and inexpensively. To do this, the WHO recommends that masks and hand sanitizers be distributed freely and that accessible places to wash hands be created.

Source: World Health Organization


1) What is pandemic fatigue?

a) A symptom present in those who are contaminated by the virus
b) One of the stages of vaccine research
c) A new security measure adopted in Europe
d) The tiredness people feel that is caused by the pandemic 

2) Are you tired of the pandemic? Why?

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