Anyone who likes to chat about movies or series has already been through a situation that is more or less like this: you remember the name of the characters and all their lines, but completely forget the title and, therefore, cannot recommend it to a friend. Because of this kind of problem, a group of programmers created a website where one can fi nd movies and series by looking up phrases spoken in them.

QuoDB works like Google. Just go to the site and search for a phrase from a movie or series. The system will search and fi nd a list of works where that was said. The phrases can be searched by genre, which also includes documentaries and reality shows. The service also shows the context in which the phrase was said and in which part of story it took place.

You do not need to search in English since the database also includes the Portuguese version of many movies and series. But the chances of finding what you are looking for are higher if you know the dialogue in the film’s original language.


I’ll be back – Terminator (1984)

Oh, yes, the past can hurt – The Lion King (1994)

I am your father – Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)


1) What does the QuoDB do?

a) It searches and finds a list of movies and series in which a phrase was said.

b) It searches for scenes from movies and series.

c) It translates phrases from movies and series into different languages.

d) It provides a file full of films and series.

2) Which quotes from film or series do you remember?

Sources: Nexo and QuoDB

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