Pollyanna (Eleanor H. Porter, several publishers)

By Alicia M., 9, 5th year at Colégio Cristo Rei

The book tells the story of a girl called Pollyanna who has a gift for seeing the positive side of things, no matter how bad a situation is. The most impressive thing is that, even though she is very young, Pollyanna spreads joy wherever she goes. Through this book you will learn to be a better person. You might also help carry out Pollyanna’s dream of spreading happiness. Are you ready to meet her?

It even seems that the girl works miracles! She makes moody and grumpy people become better people. This book will delight anyone. I think this book should be more well-known because, aside from being fun, it helped me become a better person. I know it will help you too.

1) According to the text, what is Pollyanna’s dream?
a) To perform miracles
b) To be more well-known
c) To be a different person every day
d) To spread happiness

2) Do you like to read stories that have characters with positive messages? Why?

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