
A Galinha D’Angola (Sylvio Luiz Panza, Ciranda Cultural Publisher) — By third year students from José Maria Reys Public State School

In the book “A Galinha D’Angola“, author Sylvio Luiz Panza amuses us by telling us that the guinea hen sings: “I’m weak, I’m weak!”. The boy who has found her thinks she is a very different animal. He takes her home, puts her on his bed and feeds her from a plate. He talks to her, but the hen only replies: “I’m weak!”. Afterwards, the boy takes her back to where he found her.

We thought the story was funny. It could have been longer, with more fun scenes. It made us curious about the guinea hen, and we thought it was beautiful and different.

Because we are interested in Braille [a writing system for the visually impaired], we will re-create this book for the visually impaired, with the support of our school board. We are using different types of materials, such as feathers, fabrics, etc., so that each page can be felt. We enjoy doing this beautiful work.


1) What is the class creating with feathers?

a) A toy that looks like a guinea hen

b) A play about the book

c) A Christmas card with the theme of the book

d) A version of the book for the visually impaired

2) Do you like stories with animals? Why?

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