By Davi L. B. dos S., age 14, Colégio CIMAN, Brasília (DF)

This Marvel movie was released in 2017. It is a movie about heroes and villains, where the main character is Spider-Man, Peter Parker. Peter goes back to New York to live with his aunt and discovers that a villain greatly threatens the city.

I really enjoyed this movie and that is why it is one of my favorites. It has several positive aspects, such as the plot, the special effects (which there is quite a bit of) and the acting. I also liked that this movie has a lot of funny scenes. From my point of view, there are no downsides.

I recommend it to everyone who likes humor and action. Most people I know who have watched the movie liked it.

1) According to the text, which of the alternatives below describes a highlight of the movie?

a) It is a sad movie.
b) The actors are not good.
c) There are several funny scenes.
d) Only Peter Parker’s character is interesting.

2) Do you like superhero movies? Why?

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