Australian actor Chris Hemsworth plays Thor in films. He asked one of his sons what he wanted to be when he grew up.  Chris did not expect to hear the name of another superhero, Superman, as a reply.

The artist did a post on his Instagram profile to talk about this on May 25th. In the photo, he is holding the boy’s hand. The boy is 7 years old and is wearing a Superman cape. Hemsworth jokes in the caption: “Lucky I have two other kids”.

Some actors who play superheroes used the opportunity to interact with Chris. Ryan Reynolds, who plays Deadpool, and Gal Gadot, who plays Wonder Woman, commented using heart and laugh emojis. Jason Momoa, who plays Aquaman, said his son wants to be Batman.

1) How did Thor’s actor discover his son’s favorite superhero?
a) He asked what the boy wanted to be when he grew up.
b) The son said that he likes Superman films best.
c) The boy asked for a Superman cape as a gift.
d) Through an Instagram post

2) Who is your favourite superhero or super heroine? Why?

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