A Portuguese shipwreck has been found near the Cascais port in Portugal. The ship was built about 400 years ago. It was 50 metres wide and 100 metres long, that is, 28 centimetres longer than the largest passenger plane in the world, the Airbus A380.

Peppers, small pieces of Chinese porcelain, and a bronze canyon were found inside the ship. After studying  these items, specialists concluded that the ship is from the period between the end of the 16th century (1501-1600) and the beginning of the 17th century (1601-1700), and that it used to sail between Europe and India.

For researchers, this is a major discovery because it will allow Portuguese people to learn more about their past.

Maritime Exploration

In the past, spices (pepper, clove, and cinnamon among others), jewelry, and Indian fabrics were very sought after in Europe. To buy these products and profit from their sale, countries would invest in large maritime expeditions that had India as their primary destination.

1) According to the text, why did the sunken Portuguese ship sail to India?

a) Because it was a short trip
b) Because India was a common vacation destination
c) Because the Portuguese would buy several items in India, such as spices and fabrics
d) Because it was the cheapest trip at the time

2) Would you like to dive underwater to see a shipwreck? Why?


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