A 17-metre slide (the height of a five-storey building) was placed inside a cathedral in Norwich, England, in the beginning of August. The idea is to bring visitors closer to the church’s ceiling, which is 21 metres high. The ceiling has typical architectural characteristics from the Middle Ages (10th to the 15th century). The Middle Ages is the period in which the cathedral was built.

The slide will also encourage more people, especially children, to visit the site and have fun. They will also see the cathedral from a different point of view. At the top, a new installation also has an observatory where people can see the stained-glass windows. These could not be seen well before because of the distance.

1) Who was the slide designed for?

a) Mainly children
b) Adults only
c) Children only
d) Foreigners

2) Would you go down a slide of this size? Explain your answer.

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