Credits: Guinness World Records

The largest t-shirt in the world is 108.96 meters in length an 73.48 meters in width. It was made in Romania through a partnership between two companies and the Federatia Romana. The feat was announced on May 24th by the Guinness World Book Records.

For its presentation, the t-shirt was placed in a rugby field in the city of Bucharest. The article was made from recyclable material from 500 thousand repurposed plastic bottles. It took 30 days and 120 volunteers to make it. The colors of the article, red, blue, yellow, and white, were drawn from the Romanian flag.

After conquering this record, the t-shirt was disassembled and transformed into 10 thousand single articles of clothing that will be donated to people in need of clothing.

Sources: Guinness World Records, Indian Express, and Um Só Planeta – Globo

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