Credit: University of Southern California

Credit: University of Southern California

At the University of Southern California, in the United States, researchers developed a rubber that can fix itself.

The innovative idea, announced in February, is to make objects with this material, such as toys, shoes, tires, and a few electronics that can repair themselves if they break or suffer some kind of damage.

Developed through a 3D printing method, the rubber can be printed quickly – a 17.5 millimetre square can be printed in five seconds and an entire object in 20 minutes.

To show how the invention works, researchers split several products made with the rubber in half, including the insole of a shoe. After being heated to 60 degrees Celsius for two hours, the insole regenerated completely, exhibiting the same strength and resistance it had before.

Now the goal is to develop other types of materials that are able to fix themselves.

It is expected that the new substances can be used to produce objects that are easily damaged, such as vehicle parts.

Sources: University of Southern California


1. What is the main advantage of the rubber that fixes itself?
a. It makes products that look newer a er they are regenerated.
b. It makes products that last longer.
c. It makes products that do not get damaged so easily.
d. It makes products that are stronger and more resistant after being regenerated.

2. What did you think of the invention? Explain your answer.

*Answer: A

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