
On November 2nd, the Guinness World Records (book of records) announced a new record: the widest bread mosaic in the world. The piece was made in the city of Zacatlán, Mexico, by an association of local bakers and took almost two weeks to complete. The mosaic measures 206.44 square meters (approximately half of a NBA basketball court) and features 20,689 loaves of bread. After the exhibition period, the bread will be distributed to 40 local farmers to feed sheep.

The artwork is a tribute to the Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos), an important date in Mexico to honor the ancestors of each family. In the mosaic, the bakers recreated La Catrina, a skeleton figure that is very popular in the country.

Sources: Azteca Puebla, Flex Quadra, Guinness World Records and UPI


1) How many loaves were used in the mosaic?

a) 40 loaves of bread

b) 206 loaves of bread

c) 20,689 loaves of bread

d) 44 loaves of bread

2) If you were to beat the record for the widest bread mosaic, what would you re-create?

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