Credits: Yan Krukau/Pexels

Mattel, the company behind toy brands like Barbie and Hot Wheels, posted a job opening for a professional player of UNO, the famous card game. The job application process started on August 1st and was posted on the company’s official website.

The salary for the professional UNO player position is $4,444 US dollars (approximately 21,700 Brazilian Reais) per week. The employee will have a contract for four weeks, working four hours a day in New York, in the United States. Their main responsibility will be to introduce the new version of the game, UNO Flip, to the public. The UNO expert will have to explain the new rules, and challenge other competitors to play. Applicants for the position must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents over 18.

Sources: G1, Mattel, and Sky News

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