Pakistan’s team during the 2023 World Cup in Hyderabad, India. Credits: Pankaj Nangia/Getty Images/reproduction

The Men’s Cricket World Cup, one of the year’s most important sporting events, is being held in India from October 5th. In 2023, Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, England, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and India – which was given a spot automatically because it is the host country – are competing for the trophy.

In the first phase, all teams play against each other. The top four teams will compete in the semifinals, and the two winners will move on to the final on November 13th at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. Though it is not well-known in Brazil, a study published by the Statistics & Data database in 2020 pointed to cricket being the second sport with the largest number of fans in the world, second only to football.


☞ Each team has 11 players. Matches take place on oval or round fields with a corridor in the middle, called the pitch.

☞ The bowler tries to knock down the opponent’s three wickets by throwing a ball.

☞ The batsman tries to stop this by using a bat to hit the ball far away.

☞ If the batsman succeeds, they can run between the two ends of the field. If the wickets are knocked down, the batsman is out.

☞ A batsman is also eliminated if any opposing player catches the ball before it hits the ground.

☞ The match ends when the ten batsmen (from each team) are eliminated or when 20 or 50 overs (one over equals six ball deliveries) are completed for each team – this varies according to the competition.

☞ At the end of the match, the runs for each team are counted. The team with the most runs wins.

*Note: some situations automatically count as runs even if the player does not move. For example, hitting the ball off the field is equivalent to six runs.


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