To take away frustration from the new coronavirus pandemic, Iceland is inviting people from the whole world to scream in its landscapes. Travelling there would not be necessary. The country created a website especially for this.

The audio files are recorded and sent on the website itself. Then, they are replayed in one of the seven loudspeakers installed in the landscapes available. The screamer can choose from several options which vary from a field of lavender to a snow-covered volcano. The website also shows a video of each location in real time. Any time screams are replayed, the name of the screamers and the town where they live shows up.

To participate, record your scream at 

Sources:  Independent UK, Looks Like You Need Iceland, and Sky News


1) Which of these options is not provided on the website?
a) Record your screams
b) Listen to screams as they are replayed
c) See people screaming in the landscapes
d) Choose which landscape in Iceland you want to send your scream to

2) Do you think people are more stressed during the pandemic? Why?

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