Made famous by the Harry Potter saga, British author J. K. Rowling released a new story on May 26th. Every weekend, she will publish one to three chapters on the story’s official website (find out more in the box) to entertain children and teenagers who are in social isolation or dealing with restrictions because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The story called The Ickabog is a kind of fairytale about the relationship between King Fred, the Brave, and the people of his country Cornucopia (a fictional country).

On the tale’s official website, Rowling explains that she started to work on it more than ten years ago, when she was still writing books for the Potter saga. The decision to share the story with the public only came a few weeks ago when Rowling decided to put it online. Access is free for readers from the whole world.

Printed book

In November, The Ickabog will be published as a book and all proceeds will be donated to people who have been severely affected by the pandemic.

Drawing contest

Rowling also launched an Ickabog drawing contest. The idea is for fans to make drawings about the story and send them to publishing houses that will publish the printed books in their countries. The best creations will be featured in the books’ pages. Find out how to participate on the story’s official website:

To read The Ickabog in English click on:

Sources: J. K. Rowling and The Ickabog’s official websites 


1) Why did J. K. Rowling decide to publish the story now?
a) Because young people from the northern hemisphere will not go on vacation in the month of May, and will, therefore, have more free time to read.
b) The fact that the story was published during the quarantine is just a coincidence.
c) Because during quarantine more of Rowling’s fans asked the author to publish something new.
d) Because the author decided to help young people who were facing the consequences of the pandemic.

2) Are you interested in reading the story? Why?

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