The current campaign’s vaccine is trivalent and protects against three of the viruses main strains. Credits: Rovena Rosa_Agência Brasil

The flu vaccination campaign in Brazil was launched on April 10th. The Ministry of Health’s goal is to immunize nearly 90% of 81.8 million Brazilians who make up the priority group against the Influenza virus by May 31st.

Those who belong to the priority group include: six month-old to six-year-old children, pregnant or puerperal (those who just had babies) women, indigenous people, health workers, anyone over 60, teachers, and those with long-term disabilities.

Because of high transmission rates, influenza spreads more easily in winter. Therefore, a vaccination campaign in the fall (that is, before the coldest season) is crucial to lower the number of cases that require hospitalization, and more serious problems in those who get the flu, such as pneumonia and the worsening of chronic diseases (which patients may already have had). In 2022, there were 1,236 deaths in Brazil due to the flu.

The vaccine, made by the Butantan Institute, is trivalent. This means that the dose protects against three of the virus’ main strains: Influenza A /H3N2, Influenza A /H1N, and Influenza B/Victoria. The vaccine is given in a single dose, except for children taking it for the first time – in this case, it is administered in two doses.

What is influenza?

A virus that causes the flu, an acute infection in the respiratory system with major potential for transmission. There are four types of influenza virus: A, B, C and D. Types A and B cause seasonal epidemics, that is, those that occur in a certain season of the year.

Sources: G1, Ministry of Health and O Globo.

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