Imagem: reprodução Facebook

Pirata is a dog that was rescued by Centro Universitário Sociesc (UniSociesc) in Blumenau (Santa Catarina state). It “graduated” on March 4th. The pet’s participation in the ceremony was a way to honor it because it went to several veterinary medicine and law classes.

To take part in the event, the dog wore a cap and gown, the same traditional outfits as the other graduates. On social media, UniSociec celebrated: “Pirata graduated! We can’t believe our mascot now has a diploma”.

In 2019, when Pirata was rescued, university staff and students tried to find a home for it. However, Pirata needed medical treatment because it was hit by a car. It was adopted by the university group so it could receive the necessary care there.

Sources: Folha de S.Paulo, G1, and UniSociesc’s Facebook page

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