… the spots on jaguars’ bodies are called rosettes? From up close, you can see that they look like rose petals.

… it is the biggest cat in America? It is also the third largest cat in the world, after tigers (first) and lions (second).

… no two jaguars have the same spot pattern? Each of them has its own spot pattern. The patterns are like a human fingerprint.

… some jaguars only have dark fur? They are called black jaguars, because they seem to be entirely black. Although they are more discreet, their spots can be seen if it is bright enough.

… in Brazil, these animals can be found in several types of habitat, such as forests, savanna, and wetlands. Guilherme Domenichelli is a biologist and columnist for the Joca website. According to him, jaguars are at risk of extinction because they are hunted and because their habitat is being destroyed.


1) According to the text, which is the biggest cat in the world?
a) The jaguar
b) The black Jaguar
c) The tiger
d) The lion

2) What could we do to prevent jaguars from becoming extinct?

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