Crédito de imagem: Getty Images/reprodução.

…The most expensive work of art in the world is worth around 450 million dollars? The painting “Salvator Mundi”, by Leonardo da Vinci, was auctioned in 2017 for the equivalent of close to 2.3 billion reais. The painting depicts Jesus Christ giving a blessing with his right hand, while holding a transparent ball in his left hand.

…The oldest work of art is at least 45,500 years old? It is a cave painting (painting on a rock) of a life-size wild boar in a cave in Indonesia.

…The largest painting on canvas is 1,500 square meters? “The Journey of Humanity” is the size of four basketball courts and was painted by the British Sacha Jafri.

…Abaporu, by Tarsila do Amaral, is one of the most important brazilian works of art and considered one of the most expensive? “Abaporu” means “man who eats” in Tupi-Guarani. The painting depicts a man with a disproportionate figure and is anthropophagic. It is worth close to 45 million dollars (240 million reais).


Anthropophagic: in Brazilian modernism, an anthropophagic work represents the concept created by Oswald de Andrade in which diverse artistic and cultural expressions are “swallowed” to create unique and innovative Brazilian art.

Sources: Adventures in History, Home and Garden, EL PAIS Brasil, Época Negócios, Folha de S.Paulo and Veja.

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  • Phillip Capuchinho De Vincenzo

    1 ano atrás

    joca,o meu jorna veio em ingles como fasso para mudar?

  • Jornal Joca

    1 ano atrás

    Oi, Phillip. Tudo bom? Algumas matéria do Joca são traduzidas para o inglês, mas você pode encontrar as versões em português dentro do próprio jornal. Toda edição conta com essa parte em inglês. Se estiver com alguma dúvida, você pode enviar um e-mail para Até mais!

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