…the Sun is about 4.5 billion years old?

…although it always seems to be on fire, the sun is not a ball of fire? We get that impression, because the sun’s atmosphere has gases that cause explosions.

…is so big that if there was nothing inside, it could fit more than a million Earths inside?

… the sun is a star? Stars are gas balls made of hydrogen and helium. One of the characteristics of a planet, including Earth, is that it orbits (that is, revolves around) a star.

…is so far from Earth that sunlight takes about 8 minutes and 18 seconds to reach it?

…planets, asteroids, comets, and other objects of the solar system orbit the Sun? The exceptions to this are the moons, which orbit planets, dwarf planets, and asteroids.

…the Sun makes the Moon shine at night? The moon has no light of its own, but shines by reflecting the light from the Sun.

Sources: National Geographic, Recreio, Revista Galileu, Sciencing, and The Planets


1) According to the text, what is the Sun?
a) A star
b) A fireball
c) A planet
d) A moon

2) Have you ever seen a solar eclipse? How was it?

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