… the Earth has three layers: crust, mantle and core? We live on the crust, the outer layer. Then comes the mantle, which is composed mainly of three substances: iron, magnesium, and magma (rocks in the form of pasty material). The last layer (that is, the innermost layer) is the nucleus, which is basically formed by nickel and iron.

… for a long time, humans believed that the inside of Earth was mostly made up only of rocks?

… movements in the mantle are what causes earthquakes and volcano eruptions? The Earth’s crust is formed by large rock blocks, called tectonic plates, which float over the mantle. When there is movement in the mantle, the plates move and cause these phenomena.

… The temperature in the Earth’s core is similar to that on the Sun’s surface? This is what a study by the French research agency CEA  stated and published in Science magazine in 2013. According to the study, the temperature is around 6,000 degrees Celsius (° C).


1) In which of the layers are the tectonic plates?

a) On the crust
b) On the mantle
c) In the core
d) They are not on Earth, but in the Sun.

2) Would you like to get close to an inactive volcano? Why?

Sources: BBC, Brasil Escola, Mundo Educação, and Toda Matéria

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