…  Jericho, in the West Bank (area in the Middle East between Israel and the Jordan River), is one of the oldest cities? Experts believe it could be more than 10 thousand years old.

… the city with the most people in the world is Tokyo, in Japan, with close to 37 million residents? New Delhi (India) comes in second, with 30.3 million residents, followed by Shanghai (China) with 27 million.

…São Paulo is the fourth most populated city in the world? … The Brazilian city has approximately 22 million residents. 

…some cities even have buildings, but no residents? They are called ghost towns because they have been abandoned. That is the case of Pripyat in the Ukraine. It was evacuated after an accident in Chernobyl, a nuclear power plant, which released a large amount of toxic waste in 1986. 

… there is a city that is in two continents at the same time? It is Istanbul, in Turkey. Its western part is in Europe, and the eastern one is in Asia.

Sources:  BBC, Exame, Superinteressante, Toda Matéria, and World Atlas


1) Which position is the city of São Paulo in among the most populated cities in the world?
a) First place
b) Tenth place
c) Fourth place
d) Third place

2) Which city in the world would you most like to get to know? Why?

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