Suggested by Heitor D. D., 9 year-old reader

… beetles make up the largest group of insects in the world? More than 300,000 species have been identified, which is equivalent to 40% of all insects on Earth.

… some beetles can carry things that are very heavy for their size? This is the case of the dung beetle, which can push dung balls close to 1,140 times heavier than itself  – if humans had this capacity, they would be able to drag six double-decker buses.

… the largest beetle in the world, the Titanus giganteus, weighs as much as 70 grams and can be 22 centimetres in length (bigger than the hand of a grown man)? It can be found in northern Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guyana, Peru, and Surinam.

… ladybugs are beetles? They use antennas to look for food and partners, to guide themselves in space, among other things. Because they are very sensitive, their antennas can capture what is in their surroundings.

… their food varies? Although most beetles eat plants, some species can eat animals that are already dead or excrement, for example.


1) What are the antennae of ladybugs for?

a) To help them find food
b) To serve as camouflage, helping them escape predators
c) To help them care for the young
d) To help them orient themselves and find partners and food

2) Which insect do you like the most? Why?

Sources: FioCruz, National Geographic, and National Geographic For Kids.

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