The Colombian start-up Lifepack has created environmentally friendly plates, flatware, and cups that can be planted in the ground afterwards to grow food like basil, strawberries, and tomatoes. As of now, the Papelyco line is only sold in the United States.

The products are made from seeds, pineapple crowns, and corn husks which have nutrients that plants need to sprout and grow such as zinc, calcium, and potassium. After three weeks, the first sprouts can be seen.

While common paper packaging is made from wood pulp which comes from cut-down trees, and those of plastic and styrofoam are made from petroleum, the Colombian ones are biodegradable and decompose underground within a few weeks of being thrown out.

The seed paper is also used to make other products. In Japan, the Green Newspaper can become flowers or plants. In Brazil, it is used in business cards, invitations, and flyers.

Questions –  level III

What is the difference between the disposal of a package made of common paper and one made of seed paper?
a. The common paper package is made from petroleum and takes years to decompose.
b. The products used in seed paper are absorbed by the soil.
c. The seed paper can be planted, but neither of the papers is harmful to the environment.
d. There is no difference between the two types of paper. 

What is the seed paper made from?


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