Due to the rise in the Earth’s average temperature (a process known as global warming), some areas in Brazil have already been impacted with more heat, rain, and drought. This information was published in the Sixth Assessment Report of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released on August 9th. The report is considered the most important up to date survey on climate change in the last eight years.

According to the data presented, rising temperatures have already affected the entire Brazilian territory. In the Southeast and South regions, there is high probability that this change was caused by human activity – for example, factories and vehicles can release polluting gases, such as carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere, thus contributing to global warming.

In terms of rain, the scenario varies according to the region. While the South and Southeast have shown increased rainfall, in the Northeast, periods of drought have increased, impacting agriculture and the local environment. This means that the region, historically known for long periods without rain, is becoming even drier.

The report pointed out that global warming is causing climate change across the Earth, including increased periods of intense heat, rising sea temperatures, melting of glaciers at the poles, and more intense rainfall and droughts in certain areas.

According to the survey, climate change is linked to polluting gases released by humans into the atmosphere. To prevent these changes from happening, experts recommend that humans “stop the release of carbon dioxide and intensely reduce the emission of other polluting gases.”

1) Which of the alternatives below is correct?
a) Only the amount of rain has increased in Brazil.
b) Only temperatures have increased in Brazil.
c) Temperatures and periods of rain and drought have increased in Brazil.
d) None of the above

2) What could you do to fight global warming?

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