In the beginning of the year, the city of Tietê decided to paint the streets blue to help lower temperatures.

Tietê is in the interior of São Paulo state. The temperature there was higher than 30 degrees Celsius. Dark asphalt absorbs a lot of light and heat, so a lighter color was used to reflect sunlight better.

The hope is that people will use fans and air-conditioning less and save energy. George Nicolosi is the city’s secretary of environment. He said consumption could fall as much as 10%. The city’s goal is to paint more places blue, especially places where there are a lot of people, for example, schools, bus stops, and hospitals.


1. According to the text, why did they choose the colour blue?
a. Because blue calms people down.
b. Because the mayor of the town likes blue.
c. Because the colour reflects sunlight better.
d. Because the city already had a stock of blue paint.

2. What have you been doing to deal with the heat?

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