Photo by Facebook/reproduction.

Chilean journalist Nicolás Krumm had one of his earphones stolen by a parakeet during a news report on ChileVisión channel on November 2nd. Krumm was reporting on a house robbery when the bird landed on his shoulder. The journalist continued to report the theft until the bird approached his ear and removed the device with its beak.

Afterwards, Chilevisión showed the images of when the parakeet runs away with the phone and Krumm warns that it was stolen. “After we finished [work], we looked for the device. The cameraman luckily found it on the grass,” Krumm said in an interview with one of the channel’s journalists. Watch the moment when the bird steals Krumm’s phone by accessing the QR Code.

Source: Chilevision


1) What news was the journalist reporting?

a) A house robbery

b) A phone theft

c) The theft of a parakeet

d) An assault by a parakeet

2) What would you do if you were in the journalist’s situation?

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