Regina Keller lives in Fort Valley, in the United States. She had a scare when she was watering her yard on July 19th. She had a surprise visit: a huge bear decided to sleep in her grandchildren’s pool.

Because her house is close to a forest, Regina often sees animals in her backyard. She often takes pictures of foxes, squirrels, and other animals that show up there. However, no visitor has been as unusual as this huge bear.

The animal was so at ease that it slept for close to one hour in the pool, while it cooled itself. It only left when it heard Regina’s grandchildren and their dogs arrive.

Sources:  CNN, Daily Mail, and F5


1) How long did the bear sleep in the pool?
a) For a few minutes
b) The whole day
c) For about one hour
d) All morning

2) What would you do about the bear in Regina’s place?

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