O Oceano Antártico. Foto: Michel Setboun/Getty Images

Antarctic sea ice, that is, frozen ocean water, is decreasing every year because of human-caused climate change and other events. In February 2022, the extent of Antarctic sea ice reached a record low. The study that reveals this phenomenon was carried out by researchers at Sun Yat-Sen University in China and published in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences on April 19th.

According to the study, it was the first time that the ice reached less than 2 million square kilometers since monitoring began in 1978 – it is 30% smaller than the average recorded between 1980 and 2010. Until 1970, sea ice was still growing close to 1% per decade. Since then, it has either trended downward or remained stable.

The first time low extension was recorded, in 2017, it was at 2.1 million square kilometers. Now, it is below 2 million. If nothing is done, ice could melt further or even disappear.

To reach this conclusion, scientists enlisted the help of the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Together, they observed certain weather-related events, such as an increase in radiation that resulted in higher temperatures in the summer. Some of the situations observed intrigue scientists. They do not understand, for example, why atmospheric conditions (including air humidity, solar radiation, and heat waves) in this region varied more than in other places in the southern hemisphere. The loss of the ice sheet can further drive global warming (increase in the average temperature of the planet).

The ice sheet helps bounce heat back into the air (which cools the environment), while areas of land and rock absorb more heat. In the Arctic, the other pole of the planet, ice melting has also been observed, together with an average warming that is three times higher than normally recorded.


1) What is the extent of the Antarctic ice sheet?

a) Less than 2 million square meters

b) 6 million square meters

c) 3 million square meters

d) More than 2 million square meters

2) What can be done to prevent global warming?

Sources: Advances in Atmospheric Sciences e CanalTech

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