Confessions of an Invisible Girl (directed by Bruno Garotti, 2021, Brazil) By Isadora C., 13 years old, Colégio Ciman, Brasília (Federal District)

The film Confessions of an Invisible Girl is an adaptation of the book Confissões de uma garota excluída, mal-amada e (um pouco) dramatica (Confessions of an Invisible, Unloved and A Little Dramatic Girl) by Thalita Rebouças. The long-awaited film has caused controversy, disappointing some fans and pleasing others.

The actress chosen to play the protagonist was appropriate from the technical point of view of acting, but not in terms of her appearance. In the book, one of the character Tetê’s main traits is being overweight and needing to improve her eating habits, something that is directly tied to her self-esteem and the main point of the book. In the film, Tetê is thin and does not like chocolate, a characteristic that is not true to the book, since one of the character’s biggest passions is making desserts.

Several scenes were deleted, and parts and scenes that are very different from the book were created. The film’s production, in general, was of good quality; the costumes and sets were very well chosen. I would recommend it to people who have not read the book since the movie itself is good, but is not when compared to the book.

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