By Maria Luiza, age 12

My favourite film is The Greatest Showman.  There are more than 25 actors, but only four main characters: Hugh Jackman as P.T Barnum, Cameron Seely as Helen Barnum, Austyn Johnson as Caroline Barnum, and Michelle Williams as Charity Barnum.

The story is about a poor boy, who through his father’s work, finds his true love, a beautiful, rich girl. Years after some sad events, they meet again and have two daughters. After losing his job, P.T Barnum has the unusual idea of buying a circus, which becomes very successful. However, bandits set fire to the circus and then the tension begins. I love this movie because there is a lot of romance, true friendship, and music.


1) According to the text, why does the character P.T Barnum buy a circus?

a) Because he had a circus when he was a child

b) Because his wife worked in the circus

c) Because his daughters asked him for one

d) He decides to do so after losing his job

2) Do you like movies about friendship? Why?

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