Zackrydz Rodzi, a 20-year-old from Malaysia, lost his cell phone while home on September 12th. The object was still missing the next day. He called it and realized that the ring was coming from a forest behind the house where he lives. The phone was found among some leaves. In it, there was a surprise: a few selfies and videos of monkeys.

Rodzi posted the photos on social media, as well as a video of a monkey trying to eat the device while filming. The young man believes that the animal must have come into the house through an open window and taken his cell phone while he slept.

Sources: BBC, F5, and Independent


1) According to the text, what must have happened to the cell phone?

a) Rodzi dropped it in the woods.
b) The young man threw the device in the trash by accident.
c) A monkey must have come in the house through a door that is always open.
d) A monkey must have come in the house through an open window.

2) What would you do if you found animal selfies on your cell phone?

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