… the first manga was published in 1814? Katsushika Hokusai used India ink and a wood board to paint funny things about Japan’s day-to-day at the time.

…the first anime was from 1917? Directed by Jun’ichi Kōuchi, the four-minute animation tells the story of the samurai who buys a sword with a dull blade and, because of it, loses all the battles.

…there are several categories of animes and mangas? The most popular animes in Brazil, including Dragon Ball Z and Naruto, are Shonens, which are more geared to children and young adults and have a lot of action and heroic acts. Shoujo tells love stories, while Kodomo is well humoured and cute.

…One Piece is the most sold mangá ever recorded? In the whole world, more than 470 million copies have been sold. In Japan alone, where there is even a One Piece theme park, over 390 million have been sold.

Sources:  Mundo Estranho, Omelete, One Piece Brasil, Superinteressante, and Toei Animation


1) Which of the options is true?
a) There is only one anime category.
b) The most sold mangá started in 1814.
c) Naruto is a Shoujo anime.
d) In the first anime, a samurai buys a sword with a dull blade.

2) Are you a fan of mangá or anime? Why?

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  • Rhauan Cabral

    3 anos atrás

    ei otaku

  • olivia.shin@alunopueri.com.br

    3 anos atrás


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