A German bakery in the town of Dortmund is making cakes in the shape of something that is actually rare there these days: toilet paper roll. There is a shortage of the item in stores because when the new coronavirus pandemic hit, a lot of people bought many rolls to stock up. They were worried they would not have any toilet paper at home.

After hearing a lot of complaints about how hard it is to find toilet paper, the baker Tim Kortuem came up with the idea of making  “rolls that you can eat”. The joke was so successful that the bakery had to start making almost 200 cakes every day. The bakery is also making small cakes shaped like an emoji with a mask, another reference to the pandemic.

Sources: Folha de S. Paulo, Fox News, and Reuters


1) Why is there a shortage of toilet paper in some places?
a) Because the factories stopped making it
b) Because people are preferring non-disposable items
c) Because a lot of people bought large quantities to stock up
d) Toilet paper is not being produced because there are less trees these days.

2) Do you think it is right to stock up on items like toilet paper during the pandemic? Why?


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  • Julia lemos

    4 anos atrás

    oi gostei muito do artigo

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