… the first videogame was created in 1958? Tennis for Two was created by the American physicist William Higinbotham and was a virtual tennis game.

… videogames have an Oscar? The awards are called The Game Awards  and take place every year with 27 categories, including best game of the year, best family game, and best soundtrack.

…the most expensive videogame in the world was sold for 41 thousand dollars ( about 185 thousand reais) in 2010? Stadium Events  was launched in 1987 and had something like a carpet on which the player would walk, jump, and run to control the character.

… in Minecraft, the ghost sounds are, in fact, a recording of a sleeping cat? The animal belongs to the musical producer of the game, who recorded the audio by accident.

… in a school in Sweden, Minecraft was a mandatory part of the curriculum? The idea is that students learn about city planning and environmental issues.

1) How are the ghost sounds from Minecraft related to the game’s musical producer?
a) There is no relation. The sound comes from the Tennis for Two game.
b) The sound came from the musical producer’s cat.
c) The musical producer created the sounds based on the noise from a cat he found on the street.
d) The sound was came from the musical producer’s cat while it was bathing.

2) If you were to create a videogame, how would it be?


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