Credits: divulgation

BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA (Katherine Paterson, Salamandra Publishing) –By 5th year A students from Antônio Giovani Lanzi Public School, Mogi Guaçu (SP state)

Hello Jornal Joca! We, the 5th year A students at EMEF Antônio Giovani Lanzi, read the book Bridge to Terabithia, by Katherine Paterson, from Editora Salamandra.

We would like to recommend this book to Joca readers, because it is exciting. It tells the story of Jess, a boy who meets his new neighbor Leslie. After racing each other at school, where she [Leslie] beats the boys, the two of them become friends. They discover a place in the forest that has an abandoned house and begin to remodel it. They turn it into an enchanted kingdom which they name Terabithia. We hope you like our recommendation!

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