Credits: divulgation

A REVOLUÇÃO DAS CRIANÇAS (The Children’s Revolution by Raul Marques, Penalux Publishing) –By 3rd year A students from Vera Public School, São José do Rio Preto (SP state)

The book A Revolução das Crianças is a children’s story about a refugee girl who goes to a new school in another country. She fears that no one will like her and that she will not understand anything at school. The book’s author is a journalist who has visited countries in civil war, such as Haiti. This trip inspires him to write about refugees like Yasmin, the main character in the book.

We think the work provokes feelings of sadness and joy, because it talks about affection and compassion towards people. The illustrations have bright colors and are very beautiful. Have you read this book? If not, we suggest you read it!

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