Credits: divulgation

NA JANELA DO TREM (In the Train Window by Lúcia Hiratsuka, Cortez Publishing) – By second year students from Colégio Renascença, São Paulo (SP state)

We did a group reading of the book “Na Janela do Trem “, which was written and illustrated by author Lúcia Hiratsuka. Lúcia was born in Duartina, a town in the state of São Paulo. Lúcia learned to read in Japanese with her grandfather. She uses sumi-e, a Japanese brush, to draw.

Lúcia’s books are about her childhood stories. The story of “Na Janela do Trem” takes place during a train ride from São Paulo to Mato Grosso. You will see beautiful, delicate, and creative illustrations.

In addition to this book, we know other titles by the author, including “Corrida dos Caracóis” (Snail Race), “Antes da Chuva” (Before the Rain), “A Venda” (The Sale), and “Amanhã” (Tomorrow). We hope you also enjoy our recommendations! Read them and let us know if you liked them!

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