Crédito de imagem: divulgação

Contos de Morte Morrida (Ernani Ssó, Companhia das Letrinhas) By classroom A third year students from Professor Anísio Carneiro State School, Tupã (SP state)

Contos de Morte Morrida is a book written by Ernani Ssó and illustrated by Marilda Castanha. The book includes nine Brazilian folklore stories, it is full of writings and attempts to cheat death.

Death is the main character. It carries a sharp scythe (a type of sickle), wears black clothing, sleeps standing up, and nobody can fool it. Ernani Ssó always starts his short stories like this: “A long time ago, when animals talked…” He uses simple and easy-tounderstand language.

We like the book because it is appropriate for kids, full of suspense, and keeps readers curious to find out what happens at the end of the story. We recommend it to all children and adults.

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