Crédito de imagem: Divulgação

Even Princesses Fart (Até as Princesas Soltam Pum by Ilan Brenman, Brinque-Book publishing) – By third grade classroom A from E. E. Prof. Paulo Luiz Decourt, Campinas (SP)

Hello Joca editors, how are you? Our class read the book “Até as Princesas Soltam Pum” by Ilan Brenman and Brinque-Book publishing. We laughed a lot because of the way the author presents his humorous vision of fairy tales. He shows princesses farting in the stories, which makes them just like each of us girls. We recommend that you read the stories in this book and find out why the princesses fart and how each story ends. You can have fun just like our class did! We even came up with other ways to retell classic fairy tales.

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